I take great pride in this Rhode Island, Child Custody and Family Law Blog. I decided to create this blog when I realized there was a complete lack of reliable, in depth and informative websites concerning RI Family Law on the internet. This Website contains in depth information concerning all aspects of Rhode Island Family law. This info includes: paternity, divorce, child support, child custody, uncontested divorce, child Visitation, DCYF, adoption, restraining orders, and Rhode Island Criminal Law.

There is no cookie cutter info on this Blog!
I created this Family Law blog because I could not find good RI Family Court Information online. Almost all of the information I was able to find was cookie cutter information such as ‘divorce is a difficult time in your life’, ‘ you will need an experienced lawyer to guide you in your child custody case,’ ‘you have a right to child support based on the parties income’ I hope that this Family Law Blog will help explain the complex, confusing end emotionally charged world of Rhode Island Family Court. I do not recommend going through this complex process without a RI Attorney representing you.
Top Rhode Island Family Lawyer, David Slepkow 401-437-1100
If you need legal assistance please contact Top Rhode Island family lawyer, David Slepkow 401-437-1100. Attorney David Slepkow has 18 years of experience in Rhode Island Family Court. David is a partner and owner of Slepkow Slepkow & Associates Inc. which was established in 1932.
Legal Notice per Rules of Professional Responsibility: The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice. “Today, high above the Rhode Island Supreme Court bench are inscribed Lord Coke’s words to the King of England, Non Sub Homine Sed Sub Deo Et Lege, or “Not under man but under God and law.” The story behind this quotation can be found in these pages. Its spirit is tightly woven into the fabric of Rhode Island justice. Only through law and its fair application are we a free, just and secure people. “ Paul A. Suttell Chief Justice of Rhode Island