It depends. A no contact order results from a Rhode Island Criminal Case. A RI No Contact order is a very powerful restraining order. If a person violates a No Contact Order, it is a criminal offense and may be a violation of the terms of probation or bail.
Rhode Island no contact order results from an arrest
However, a Rhode Island no Contact order ends if the Defendant is found not guilty or if the charges are dismissed. A Rhode Island no contact order also ends when the one-year filing, probation, suspended sentence or deferred sentence is over.
Complaint protection from abuse
If you feel that you need the protection of a Rhode Island Restraining order after the No Contact order will end, then you may file a RI family Court Complaint Protection from Abuse. A Family Court Order Protection from abuse usually enters for 1-3 years and will continue even if the criminal charges are dismissed.
Keep in Mind, you can only file in Rhode Island Family Court if you have a child with the person who you seek a restraining order from or if you are related by blood or marriage. These Complaint Protection from Abuse cases are civil matters. However, a violation of a Order Protection from Abuse from RI family Court is a criminal offense.
If it is a girlfriend, boyfriend situation with no minor child then the Restraining Order must be filed in Rhode Island District Court.
If a restraining order is needed against someone who you were not in an intimate relationship with then the restraining order needs to be filed in Rhode Island Superior Court. Violations of RI Superior Court Restraining Orders are not criminal offenses but are punishable by contempt. If you have valid grounds for a Restraining order and you need Child Support or visitation orders then you should file a Complaint Protection from Abuse in Family Court in addition to the No Contact order.